Prototype demonstration
(timesheets, design process – ideation, solutions, design matrix, further
development, any testing)

PDE 2400
Project without given specifications
Prototype demonstration (timesheets, design process – ideation, solutions, design matrix, further
development, any testing); week 24; 20% – group submission
This will now be a written submission, formatted as a technical proposal. Example format below.
The marking criteria remains mostly the same, and are reiterated below:
• Project management – done by timesheets; include other proof if deemed necessary – Gantt
charts, logbooks, etc.
• Task solution – Your entire design process and how you reached your final design –
problem definition, PDS, brainstorming, all your concept designs, decision matrices for the
above, choice of final design, any iterations/prototyping/testing.
• Engineering knowledge – should be shown throughout the design process – methodology
for any calculations, estimates, tests, research, inspiration from existing designs, etc. Good
use of engineering language, appropriate terms, SI units, physical quantities.
• Technical quality – under the current circumstances and limited access to workshop
facilities, we can allow some leniency here – include any reference designs, detailed
sketches, cad, simulations if you have done them. Photos/ videos of prototypes, regardless
of level of detail. Test methodology and results.
Deadline: Friday, 3 April 2020, 6:00 PM
Submit the report as a PDF file. The filename must be your group number (you can find your group
number if you go to 2400 unihub page, scroll down to ‘Block 4: Project without given specifications’
and click on the file called ‘groups’) and ‘Report’ e.g . Group 1 report. Denote what section(s) of the
report you’ve worked on as well as time spent in your individual timesheets.
What do you need to include in your report?
Introduce the brief and briefly introduce your main idea you are proposing.
Go through your design process in its entirety, in sequential order – e.g brainstorming/ mind
mapping, problem definition, PDS, concept solution generation, selection process/ matrix tables,
final design choice, development, testing, iterative design, critical evaluation, conclusion.
Design concepts – include sketches with a brief description of the functionality of the ideas and the
limitations. If you are referencing an existing design or working principle, include and reference it.
Include evaluations of design ideas linking to the product design specification and/or matrix table.
Critically evaluate each process and how it affected the design; e.g did brainstorming aid in your
idea generation, which process worked best for you, where did your ideas come from, how well did
the matrix table work for choosing which design to take forward.
How many developmental stages did your prototype go through?
Final design idea – this should include sections/sub-sections on, for example:
• Sketches and CAD; screenshots of isometric view and technical drawings (where
appropriate). Include design specifications, user requirement and unique design choices.
Set the scenario, where will it be used? How well does your chosen idea full-fill the initial
requirements list you created?
PDE 2400
• Any measurements, calculations, tests you have undertaken as well as their results; this
includes initial research, comparisons to existing solutions, estimates, etc. Include
evaluations of key engineering problems and principles you may have selected.
• Functionality – Explain how the system will be used. Describe the process as far as you have
taken it – from mechanical concept, through device use cases, to the entire system including
sorting/moving the final product (collected rubbish or other pollution). Include your take
on safety issues and how they have been addressed in your design.
Conclusion – Evaluate the project, how well the device met the PDS you originally wrote, how well
you think it does at removing pollution and keeping wildlife safe.
Suggestions for further work – If the project continued (your proposal was accepted and you
received funding), what would your next steps be? Further functionality or iterating on existing
solutions for efficiency, suggestions on how your system might change with the arrival of new
technology in the future, e.g. better energy density for batteries – solution goes from heavy
machinery to handheld.
Considering that this remains a group submission and you were already preparing presentations; it
is expected that the final report will be between 2000 and 3000 words – transcribing your prepared
speech and moving the text from your slides should get you to around 80% of that. This number is
only a guideline and not a strict requirement. Drawings, tables, supported secondary text can be
added in throughout or in the Appendix.
Your written work will be assessed according to the previously published guidelines.