Word Count : 2000 words

Module Title                :  Project Management

Module Code               : 7002SSL

Assignment Number : CW1

Assignment Title        : Report

                                              Assignment Brief Mode E and R Regulations

Learning Outcomes :
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the role of project management within organisations to deliver successful change
2. Demonstrate competence in planning a project within a given organisational context.
3. Critically evaluate the application of project management methodologies and techniques used to organise and plan project time, cost, resources, and people.
4. Demonstrate critical understanding on how cultural, communication, leadership and teamwork affect international project management.

Assessment Information
This assignment is an individual assignment.
You are currently managing an international project focused on delivering organisational change in line with the strategic objectives of your organisation. Your task is to:
Prepare a 2,000-word project status report to communicate critical aspects of the project to the
Board of Directors within your organisation. The report should include:
• A brief overview of the project
• A work breakdown structure (WBS) containing a hierarchical outline of the project tasks
• Gantt chart capturing project tasks, resources, and timelines
• A critical path diagram to estimate the critical path, total project duration, and to identify task dependencies
• A stakeholder register, including at least 10 key project stakeholders, and your approach to engaging them
• A risk register that can be used to:
o Identify a minimum of 10 positive and negative project risks across the project
o Rate the probability and impact of the identified project risks
o Propose risk management strategies and actions to be adopted
Your report should demonstrate your ability to deliver effective change by applying project
management methodologies, tools, and techniques to project activities in an organisational context

Referencing Style

If you are a business student and joined Coventry University in September 2020 or later please use APA referencing, if you joined prior to this date you may use APA or the existing Harvard Reference Style (see CU LibGuide) that you are familiar with. Law students should use OSCOLA. Please be consistent in the referencing style that you use and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. If you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Progression Coaches or a member of the course team.