Word Count : 1000 words
Module Title : Decision Making and Risk
Module Code : 7004SSL
Assignment Number : CW1
Assignment Title : Individual Assignment (Reflective)
Assignment Brief Mode E and R Regulations
Module Learning Outcomes :
1. Identify and critically evaluate sources of data and information and use data to make strategic decisions.
2. Comprehend the range of tools and techniques available as support for decision-making.
3. Critically assess the various influences and factors affecting the process of decision-making.
4. Identify and analyse risk-based decision-making to make informed choices.
5. Evaluate and understand the complexity of the international context when taking decisions.
6. Critically analyse and recognise the increased risk associated with global decision-making.
Assignment ONE (CW1):
This assignment will generally assess the overall knowledge you acquired from this module, but specifically will address learning outcomes 1, 2, and 3 above. It has a value of 5 credits out of the overall 15 assessment credits of this module. The assignment is based on group exercise with weekly activities, and the assessment is an individual assessment based on essay of 1000 words.
Assignment Information :
Critically reflect on the knowledge acquired in the module to identify and evaluate the main sources of data and information to support a strategic decision of expansion for a company (choose from the list of FTSE250 companies found here https://www.londonstockexchange.com/indices/ftse-250/constituents/table). For this company, you also need to identify the range of tools and techniques available as support for the decision making process, and critically assess the various influences and factors impacting the process of decision-making at the business sector of your chosen company.
Referencing Style
If you are a business student and joined Coventry University in September 2020 or later please use APA referencing, if you joined prior to this date you may use APA or the existing Harvard Reference Style (see CU LibGuide) that you are familiar with. Law students should use OSCOLA. Please be consistent in the referencing style that you use and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. If you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Progression Coaches or a member of the course team.