MD121 Digital Marketing Individual Written Report
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing the course the student will be able to:
On successful completion of this course the candidate:
• Understand the theoretical and practical relationship between digital marketing and
corporate strategy.
• Explain theories of the value creation of interactive marketing communications, search
engine marketing, and interactive public relations to a business
• Has advanced knowledge of consumer neuroscience applications.
On successful completion of this course the candidate:
• Analyse studies, organisational context, empirical evidence and research into the success
(and failure) of interactive marketing strategies and applications
• Evaluate digital marketing strategies for product/service development and brand perception
• Analyse stages and component digital marketing tactics inherent in the buying cycle.
• Analyse and use data from neuroimaging and biometric sources.
General competence:
On successful completion of this course the candidate:
• Plan and configure a digital marketing solution related to a specific business challenge.
• Demonstrate performance metrics to determine the success of digital marketing efforts.
• Critically evaluate ethical issues related to digital marketing and the use of consumer
Written essay
a) Describe and discuss an issue surrounding digital marketing that you find interesting (Learning
Outcomes 1). In order to be able to demonstrate this learning outcome you need to give a good
description of the background of the research area related to your subject based on 2-3
selected articles (related to the reading list or other relevant articles).
b) Identify knowledge gaps within the research area that you have chosen to look into in part a).
(Learning Outcomes 2).
c) Describe a research plan that you think could be interesting to realize based on part a) and b)
(Learning Outcomes 3). The research plan shall include research question, aim and objectives,
and, a suggestion for research strategy (survey, experiment, case study, etc.).
Part of the requirements for the written essay is to present a good writing style. In other words,
you need to make sure that within your essay the grammar and punctuation is error free, there are
no spelling mistakes or incorrectly used words, there are no confused or unwieldy sentences and
the referencing style is correct. Length: 2000-2500 words excluding title page, table of contents,
references and appendix). Referencing style: Chicago, Harvard or APA Style of References.
Technical solution
Neuroimaging and biometric measurements enable us to gain behavioral insights within marketing
research. Using one of the stimuli, that was not used in the course demonstration, create an
analysis within the iMotions platform (include screenshots). Complete the following activities
(Learning outcomes 2 and 3):
- Use one of the analysis in the iMotions platform using both eye-tracking EEG data.
13.11.2020 Side 2 av 2 - Create AOIs for the eye-tracking stimuli (based on what you find using the aggregated data
analysis/heatmaps. - For the EEG analysis, provide explanations for the highest peak and the lowest dip in the
engagement/boredom and excitement frequencies. - Provide possible explanations for the patterns in your data analysis (using previous
literature). - Explain how to leverage this information in a digital marketing campaign.
Part of the requirements for the technical solution is to present a good writing style. In other
words, you need to make sure that within your essay the grammar and punctuation is error free,
there are no spelling mistakes or incorrectly used words, there are no confused or unwieldy
sentences and the referencing style is correct. Length: 1000-1500 words (excluding title page,
table of contents, references and appendix). Referencing style: Chicago, Harvard or APA Style of