Word Count : 2500 words

Individual Written Report

1. Task for Assessment 

The written assessment consists of a 2,500 (+/-10%) word individual report, critically evaluating the given case study organization in regard to its performance and reward mechanisms.  Your submission should provide a meaningful discussion of theory and a thorough development of appropriate application to the case study organization, addressing the following tasks:

1. Part 1 (approx. 1,500 words): compile a report, evaluating the organizations current approach to performance management, and advise on how to redesign their approach, along the following:
✓ You are a Business Adviser specializing in performance and reward. Taking into account the context of the case study organization, you have been asked to compile a report advising the company’s Board of Directors how it should redesign its performance and reward system which clearly reinforces and underpins its business strategy and includes ways of measuring this.


2. Part 2 (approx. 1,000 words): develop appropriate recommendations for a variety of stakeholders within the case study organization, as outlined below:

✓ In addition, you are required to recommend objectives for each of the under-noted groups in order to address current issues, or to achieve the organization’s strategic objectives, and how different performance and reward strategies might be appropriate, in relation to such objectives, for different groups of staff

✓ Staff / staff from different departments
✓ Managers below store managers
✓ Store managers
✓ Board of directors

✓ In this section you must outline appropriate objectives together with suggested reward mechanisms underpinned by literature and successful reward strategies used in other organizations — using and attaching the table of recommendations provided.


Referencing Style: Harvard referencing