Your Task: Using good quality academic and journalistic sources, prepare a 1,500 word report for the CEO on HRM issues at Glocal Textiles(GT). Your knowledge and understanding of Human Resource Management of an organisation, including management of individual, team, and organisation will be critically examined. The title of your report should be:A Business Report to improvethe delivery of HR Processes at Glocal Textiles (GT).Your report should include:•A title Page•Executive Summary •Contents Page•Outline of the primary HRM issues in Glocal Textiles (GT).•Proposal to improvethe delivery of HR Processes at Glocal Textiles(GT).•Implementation plan including outline costingsandresponsibilities•Risk registerto identify the main risks that your proposals carry and whether they are red (likely to happen and serious) yellow, (less serious and / or less likely to happen) or green ( unlikely to happen and less serious). •Referencesusing Harvard Referencing conventions.The word count of 1,500 words will not include the title page, executive summary, contents page or references.You will not need to draw on all change and leadership theories that you read but should select instead those which are most applicable to the case study –Glocal Textiles (GT) and apply them appropriately. It is important that you show knowledge of keydebates within the literature on Human Resource Management within an organisation. Also, it is strongly advised that you are critical in your writing and ensure a good level of integration and coherence in applying theories. Please work on, and ensure an excellent level of criticality, coherence, and flow of your report. This will require effective discussion and clarity. Please note that a significant amount of the marks are awarded on the basis of wider reading, critical and logical presentation, quality of argument, referencing, academic integrity and academic writing conventions. Please see Assessment Criteria on the Moodle.

The Learning Outcomes assessed by this assessment are:Knowledge1.Analyseand critically evaluate major ideas and practices in the field of people management.
Updated Sept 202032.Evaluate major contemporary theoretical and managerial perspectives on people management.Thinking 3.Engage critically and analytically with literature relating to major developments in the field of people management.4.Appreciate how research into effective people management underpins thinking in the other, more specialised fields of HRM and HRD practice that you will be studying.Subject-based practical skills5.Ability to effectively apply HR theories and models to situations and various scenarios. 6.Effectively apply key ratios appropriate for analysing the financial performance of the organisation.Skills for life and work (general skills)7.Develop and express strong, original and well-justified arguments to support your views.8.Advise colleagues and senior managers about making improvements to management systems and thinking in organisations.