Adoption of cloud computing architecture

- provide five to ten minutes briefing of the findings in class.
- should follow proper referencing format (APA 6th Style) within the presentation and for compiling the references. will be followed for instances of plagiarism cases.
The purpose of this research is to gain awareness about the adoption of cloud computing architecture within UAE. This kind of awareness is important for an enterprise architect so as to make informed decisions before mapping the enterprise goals to the emerging technologies.
As well as to provide with an understanding of the theoretical and practical concepts related to the selection, deployment and management of enterprise IT applications, systems and infrastructures. The project covers technologies required to move from classic (traditional) to cloud data center environments, will learn by doing about the key considerations and steps involved in transitioning from the current state of their data center to a cloud computing environment.
Project requirements
- Conduct research to identify the cloud computing technology adoption level within private and public organizations in UAE. Identify the future growth prospects of this technology in UAE. Compare your results with the adoption level in any other developed country (600 to 700 words + tables and figures)
- Go through Openstack software website.Perform online research answering the following questions: How it works with Virtual Environment and how to build and manage Cloud based Data Center. Submit a report with your research finding you may include screen shots of installation steps of the Openstack and discussion about Openstack usage for building cloud environment(600 to 700 words + tables,screen shots and figures)
Style of Paper
Your final paper should be styled as follows:
- Title page
- Margins – 1 inch all around
- Font and size – 10 to 12 point font of any reasonable, simple style (e.g., Arial,Times Roman)
- Spacing – all lines should be 1.5 spaced
- Name/page numbers – each page should be numbered. In addition, each pageshould contain your name at the top (in the header space)
- References – list your primary reference and other resourcereferences that you used to support your summary. These can be from theprimary, secondary, or tertiary literature. To cite your references,use the APA 6th
- Figures – if you must use figures/tables, do so judiciously being sure toappropriately document their source. Incorporate the figures/tables within thetext rather than as documents at the end of your paper.