BUSS-B – 2001-Principles of Logistics

Assignment Objective
This assignment aims to develop the overall basic knowledge related to Logistics and Supply
Chain Management, which can be applied in understanding the further advance concepts of
Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Assignment Tasks
1) Task 1 – Submit a work proposal for this assignment on or before 26/11/2020 (23:59) which must
include: (10 Marks)
Understanding of deliverables – a detail description of deliverables.
Module Code: BUSS- B – 2001 Module Name: Principles of Logistics
Level: 2 Max. Marks: 100
Principles of Logistics BUSS-B – 2001 – Fall – 2020 – CW 2 (Assignment) – Session A, B, C & D – QP
A general overview of the proposed plan – an initial understanding of the solution to task2.
Timeline for completion of the given tasks.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.
2) Task 2: Case studies (Ex 1 and 2) (70 Marks)
Exercise 1: Transport Planning (The work of a transport planner) (30 Marks)
The company Visstick BV.
In this exercise, you will be working as a transport planner for the company ‘Visstick BV’ in Apeldoorn
(NB: postcode 7314). The company Visstick BV is a wholesaler of frozen fish fingers. The products
have to be delivered in refrigerated trucks. The hotter the weather, the more energy it takes to keep the
products cold. The variable costs, therefore, go up when the outdoor temperature goes up. The customers
of Visstick BV get their goods delivered in whole pallets. Visstick BV transports the products to the
customers itself. They use a very large and modern fleet of delivery vehicles for this. They have 4 trucks
that can carry up to 10 pallets and 2 trucks that can carry up to 6 pallets. The company has six full-time
drivers, who can be assigned to work in the warehouse or the production department when they do not
have to drive.
Because business is going so well, Visstick BV has been granted an exemption under the regulations on
driving times and rest periods for truck drivers by the National Vehicle and Driving Licence Registration
Authority (RDW). As compensation for having to work longer hours, the drivers get 10 extra days’
holiday. Furthermore, the employer wants the trucks to be loaded at night time so they are ready to leave
at 07.00 hours the following morning.
Although the trucks are very new, the trucks can only drive at an average speed of 60 km per hour. The
costs of the trucks per km are variable (including diesel fuel, servicing, etc.). The fixed costs for a small
truck are € 35 per workday and for a big truck € 50 per workday (including interest, depreciation,
insurance, motor vehicle tax, etc.). The drivers cost € 30 per hour, and the rest periods are paid. The
drivers have to unload the cargo themselves, which takes on average 10 minutes per pallet. The company
has asked the NHTV if some of its students can draw up a planning schedule.
For this exercise, we will use the figures for a day in September when the temperature is “13 oC”. The
information provided by “Visstick” is included in the appendix.