Synthesise and evaluate critically organisational leadership, particularly the principles that support values and strategies in a global context.
Impact of leadership styles on employee performance in real estate industry
Assess critically a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs used in business and management research then use appropriate methods to collect, collate and analyse data
Airbus A380 Crisis for Global Business Strategy
Evaluate, synthesise and draw conclusions from emerging models of strategies, their impact on relations with management, strategic direction and implementation in a global environment.
BIM for Sustainable Project Management
Assess critically a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs used in business and management research then use appropriate methods to collect, collate and analyse data
Lean Management and Process Improvement
Explore how lean management and process improvement can contribute to ESG progress in a specific sector – you may choose both a particular industry and a specific country to analyse.
BSM202 – Project Leadership – Teams and Behaviours
The Coronavirus is going nowhere soon, and people are learning to adapt to living with it. Countries are beginning to open their borders as the pandemic’s scare slowly disappears.
MMP7IMK – International Marketing
1. This assignment must be submitted electronically by 4.00 pm on the submission date.
2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the respective module on Moodle.
3. Multiple drafts can be submitted up to the submission date.
4. Please remember you must leave at least 24 hours between submissions if you make changes to your
ASM001 – Quality Assurance & Quality Control
The advantages and disadvantages of Quality Assurance to convince the senior
company managers of the benefits of adopting QA in your analytical measurement laboratory.
LD9718 – Research Methods & Analytics for Business Practice
Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the e Learning Portal (Blackboard) site for the module. Students are advised to read and follow this information
7044EFA – Economics of Money and Banking
Financial system /Financial intermediation
The essay should aim to cover some of the following areas:
a. Explain the (main) functions of the financial system. Illustrate your points by giving examples of different types of financial institutions and their role in bringing deficit and surplus units together.