Learning Outcomes: 1 Explain the concept of Big Data and its importance in a modern economy 2 Explain the core architecture and algorithms underpinning big data processing 3 Analyse and visualize large data sets using a range of statistical and big data technologies[…]
Computer Aided Design Techniques
Main objectives of the Assessment: To develop in depth knowledge in creative and virtual design theories, methods and evaluation tools. To familiarise students with a range of different types of IT, CAD, CAE and CAM software enabling them to make informed evaluations of current and future systems […]
Chatbots deployed by Indian Insurance companies
Customers experience of chatbots used by Indian insurance companies. Measurement of Customer satisfaction score and finding area of Improvements.Proposed study on gap identification of purpose and customer experience. Also suggesting methods[…]
Applied Machine Learning
LearningOutcomes:1.Rationalise appropriate scenarios for Machine Learning applications and evaluate the choice of machine learning methods for given application requirements.2.Demonstrate competency in using appropriate libraries/toolkits […]
Smart City Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things Technologies
REASSESSMENT :TASK Inthisassignmentyouareaskedtostudyandproduceadetailedtechnicalreportforasmartcitymonitoringsystem based on Internet of Things technologies. The aim of the system will be to collect information regarding the state of the city […]
CN7023 – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Vision
CN7023 Assessment: Task 1: Data Science Skills Complete four MATLAB Online Courses to learn Data Science skills. Earn a certificate for each course, acquire four certificates to complete this part of the assessment. Course 1: MATLAB Onramp – Get started quickly […]
KL7011-Advanced Database
Learning Outcomes : The learning outcomes (LOs) for this module are:-
LO1 You will be able to demonstrate critical understanding of the entire data life cycle and classical database engineering processes and approaches, and nontraditional database systems.[…]
CM3020 Artificial Intelligence
Reviewing research papers about robotic science. In this part of the assignment, we would like you to carry out a small scale literature review about robotic science.
The output of your work is a document, written in your own words, containing the following elements: […]
Research and Development of the BMW 5 series case study
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesResearch and Development of the BMW 5 series case study Research and Development of the BMW 5 series case study BRIEFING NOTE (16th of November 2021) Brief discussion Research and Development of the BMW 5 series case study A. Communication Key task: to Research and Development of the BMW 5 series case study from…
Crim 2252 Research paper-FAII 2021
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesCrim 2252 Research paper-FAII 2021 Crim 2252 Research paper-FAII 2021 Guidelines This assignment is worth 20% of your grade Length: 5-6 pages exclusive of a title page and reference page (consult APA for format) You have had an assignment on APA, so please review and refer to APA 7th edition: You are to conduct…