TweetShareSharePin0 SharesInformation Governance CIS3005-N Information Governance CIS3005-N Assessment Requirements Your task is to put together the following items (in total around 4000 words): 1. A risk assessment analysis relating to IT services and data security and your recommendations for risk mitigation to ensure business continuity. [25 marks] Guide: 1200 words To include identified risk name,…
BSBINN601 Lead and manage organizational change
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesBSBINN601 Lead and manage organizational change BSBINN601 Lead and manage organizational change assessment 1: Provide answers1. Key phases of the Change management process: Change management in the business refer to the change in the environment of the workplace to bring new technologies and implement the new process in order to replace the old time-taking…
Accounting for Next Generation Leaders HX4204
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesAccounting for Next Generation Leaders HX4204 Accounting for Next Generation Leaders HX4204 Assignment Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyze Financial Accounting Principles to measure Bottom Line impact and develop competitive strategies. PC 1.1: Evaluate the financial and operational performance of an organization PC 1.2: Critically review the influence of Accounting Standards and Accounting Policies in…
Empirical Research Methods
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesEmpirical Research Methods Empirical Research Methods Please develop a plan of research on the topic of interest involving one independent variable and one dependent variable. For example, you can look at the relationship between cell phone usage and academic performance (individual level) or between economic development and corruption (country level). Explain how you can…
Innovating Digital Business Models for Mercedes-Benz Vans
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesInnovating Digital Business Models for Mercedes-Benz Vans Innovating Digital Business Models for Mercedes-Benz Vans Slide Deck (30%) Hand-in on 5 Nov 2021 7 slides per person (net: w/o intro, agenda, team introduction, farewell, sources, etc.) In-depth documentation and deduction of how you came to your solution Slides for your pitch should be part of…
Research Report – Annotated Bibliography &Discussion
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesResearch Report – Annotated Bibliography &Discussion TASK Your task in this report is to write a research report. Please refer to the guide when preparingyour report to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess the work Research report:TaskYour task in this report is to write a research report. This report is…
Data Modelling and Database Design MIS602
TweetShareSharePin11 SharesData Modelling and Database Design MIS602 Task Summary This final assessment requires you to produce a robust and flexible database that is able to accurately store information about the business mentioned in the case study. You also need to develop the queries and reports to provide data insights which in turn drive business decisions.…
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-DATA4800
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-DATA4800 Assessment DescriptionThis assessment seeks to simulate a real-world task that you may have to undertake in the future. Therefore, the assignment is non-prescriptive and requires you to pose a relevant, small, creative and significant problem to solve that could result in benefits to the organisation of choice.In this assessment,…
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesMIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Instructions Please read the attached MIS605_ Assessment 1_Case Study. Note that every piece ofinformation provided in the following case serves a purpose. Once you have completed reading the case study. Please answer the following questions:Question 1 (10 mark).Identify all the human and non-human actors within the system. Provide brief…
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesSUPERMARKET SALES FORECAST (REGRESSION PROBLEM) Objectives In this assignment we will wrangle the data from a real-life dataset to understand different data wrangling techniques. To conduct data exploration, preparation and transformation through different methods To prepare the data ready for modeling, build and evaluate a simple linear regression model. To document the analysis, comparison…