Concrete and concrete Structure (CIVL0019)

Learning Outcomes Assessed (or on a separate sheet)
As on assignment
Assessment Criteria (or on a separate sheet)
1. Analysis and Design of (Redistribution of the moment,)
2. Flat Slab,
3. Column,
4. Compressive report on flexural Cracking, non-distractive testing result of concrete
elements report)
5 Presentation
This module aims to provide a deeper understanding of concrete as a structural material and its use in
the design and construction of a range of civil and structural engineering works. The module will
consider up-to-date aspects of the concrete design of a more advanced nature and safety considerations
in design. On completion of this module, students should be able to develop their skills in using
mathematical concepts to develop engineering theory
Outcomes of the assignment
1. Demonstrate the basis of the engineering principles of reinforced concrete design and concrete
technology covered in the module.
2. Apply those principles to realistic cases of sufficient complexity to require judgments in the selection
of an application of appropriate design principles and material use.
3. Interpret design data in terms of the underlying engineering principles embodied in codes of practice.
4. In response to a relevant engineering problem, carry out calculations that lead to a solution, at the
level expected within the profession of a new graduate engineer.
5. Present relevant information and calculations in a clear and unambiguous way. The significance of the
module for your programme