Word Count : 2500 words
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the principles of Lean Management and Six Sigma Quality.
- Ability and understanding of how to carry out Process Improvement.
- Ability and understanding of how to use Lean and Improvement tools to identify and solve process problems
- Critical application and understanding of how to apply Lean and Improvement techniques in real-world environment.
- Synthesise and critically evaluate lean improvement methodologies and have an understanding of how they are linked to environmental, social and governance factors in sustainability.
Assessment Task
Develop a process map based on the following diagram: distribution of the CoVid 19 vaccine from the factory to where you were living in 2020/21.
Explore how lean management could have improved the process. You may use your own experience as well as published information (official sources/ media) to set up the analysis.
Assessment details:
Individual written report, (2,500 words +/- 10%)
Referencing Style :
Use Harvard Referencing throughout the assignment where required. Please follow the Harvard Referencing Handbook for your assignment at the ULBS.