Decision making and challenges in global business

International Business Environment and Trade BS7312
Type of Submission Coursework (Individual) – 50%
Word Count/Time allocation (for
2,500 words (+/-10%) excluding table of contents and
Issue Date 24 September 2019
Submission Date 6 January 2020 (in coordination with other modules)
Date of Feedback to Students Within 20 working days
Where feedback can be found Brief comments on the electronic script, summary
comments in the “Comments” box and a breakdown of
the allocation of marks in the “rubric” on Canvas
This individual coursework needs to balance theory and practical experience analysing the
Unilever’s New Global Strategy: Competing through Sustainability case study which is posted
Assignment tasks: Analyse the above Unilever case study using the models discussed in the
class. There is considerable flexibility in how you can write the report, however the
following issues should be addressed for a successful report:
Explaining the context of Unilever’s USLP strategy based on the business
environment, problem areas and Unilever’s overall strategy using the frameworks
studied in the module (e.g., international, multinational, global, or transnational).
Evaluating the effectiveness of the USLP strategy (i.e. exploitive, transactional,
responsive or transformative) and its implementation from the standpoint of key
Choose and justify one of the three strategic choices suggested at the end of the
case study. Discuss potential implementation issues.
Your analysis should focus on key challenges facing the company, employing the models and
tools taught in the module. As this case study is extensive and your paper is limited by
wordcount, not all of the issues facing the company need to be covered; instead, you should
focus on covering your chosen challenges in considerable depth. As with all cases, there
are a number of acceptable approaches and there is no ‘right’ answer.
Structure of the report: The structure of the report should include a table of contents (with
page numbers); a brief introduction which explains the focus of the case study; a main
report analysing the company’s problems and actions using applicable theories taught in the
module and conclusions and recommendations which are clearly based on the previous
analysis; an alphabetical list of references cited in the report using Harvard Referencing; and
The 2500 word limit (+/- 10%) applies to the introduction, main report and conclusions and
does not include the table of contents, list of references or appendices.
Allocation of Marks (subject to revision)
Allocated Marks
Presentation and clarity of expression – the quality of the report
presentation and the extent to which the report is written in
appropriate and accessible language with ample use of exhibits and
tables to display information.
Detailed international business analysis
International business decisions addressing the key challenges
of the various companies. 35%
Understanding the theoretical underpinning
Providing relevant concepts taught in the module and exploiting
their analytical potential. 35%
Conclusions & Recommendations
Clear and logical recommendations consistent with previous
analysis. 15%
Penalty (if any) for exceeding word count
Will be taken into consideration in overall structure and if
superfluous content is included, marked down accordingly