Word Count : 2000 words
Learning Outcomes:
- On successful completion of this course a student will be able to:
- Systemic knowledge and critical understanding of the economic theories about the process
of economic development, and about the role innovation and technological change play in shaping the development process itself. - Developing a critical systemic understand of the systemic nature of innovation processes and of the complex relationship between business performance, business innovative initiatives and the external (institutional, cultural, sociological) factors influencing the innovation-related decision-making at firm level.
- Demonstrating self-direction, critical awareness and originality in analysing problems
related to the proper implementation of innovation policies in the context of developing
countries given country-specific features. - Developing a critical comparative approach in the identification of the policies options
available to different countries in support of firms’ innovation. - Developing expertise in searching, collecting, organising, and analysing relevant information about country-specific factored related to national innovation systems and innovation policies.
Module :
Developing oral communication skills, using relevant concepts and terminology related to the
literature on innovation and national innovation systems, as well as developing relevant
presentation tools for critical discussion of innovation policy.
Assessment brief:
A: Group presentation
Object of the presentation will be agreed with the lecturer and related to one of the topics included in the syllabus of the module.
Grade of the presentation will be based on the grading grid, which is partially related to the
overall performance of the group and partially linked to student-specific preparation and capability to deliver a critical analysis of the topic at stake.
B: Response paper
The four questions will be made available during the module in due time, It is extremely important to study the material made available onto Moodle step-by-step
Reference Style : Harvard