Word count: 6500 words

Objectives to cover:

  • Introduction – Contextualizing feminist dystopian literature and presenting Escape‘s thematic focus.
  • Theoretical Framework of Feminist Dystopia – Defining feminist dystopia, its key themes, and literary influences.
  • Intersectionality in Feminist Dystopian Narratives – Examining how race, class, and gender intersect within dystopian settings.
  • Gender, Oppression, and Power Structures in Escape – Analyzing patriarchal control, hierarchy, and female subjugation.
  • Comparative Analysis with Other Feminist Dystopias – Drawing parallels between Escape and works like The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Female Agency and Forms of Resistance – Exploring how female protagonists resist oppression through rebellion and survival.
  • Sisterhood, Solidarity, and Collective Power – Highlighting the importance of unity among women in confronting authority.
  • Symbolism, Allegory, and Narrative Techniques in Escape – Investigating how literary devices reinforce feminist themes.
  • Conclusion – Summarize key insights and reflect on the contemporary relevance of Escape’s feminist critique.

Reference:  MLA style