Global Leadership and Organisational Behaviour

MBA703 20 Credits
The summative assessment for this module will consist of one component. A
Case Study assignment vehicle is useful in assessing student capability in
identifying problems, posing problems, defining problems, analysing data,
reviewing data and information, designing potential solutions to problems,
planning, and applying information. In addition, the Case Study approach will
also allow assessment of the ability and skill of students in developing
arguments, reflecting on information provided, evaluating data and information
and assessing and adjudicating on such data.
Assessment: Individual Case Study (including 100% of final mark)
Learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
An Individual Case Study Report with a weighting of 100% (upper word limit
3000 words NCG/for CMI 3500 words) to meet learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3.
As a base for this assessment, you can either use your own employment
context, or use the following scenario for a case study:
You are a senior manager in a business unit of a medium sized enterprise,
with functional management and organisational leadership responsibilities.
Please select and research an organisation of your choice to identify its
culture, values, ethics and legal and regulatory commitments. Provide brief
details of your research in a summary of between 200 and 250 words, this
HE04/Issue 4/April 2019
should not be counted towards the suggested word count. Use the results of
your research to answer the tasks below.
Task 1
Define “strategic leadership” and “strategic management”. Evaluate the key
differences between the two responsibilities.
Discuss the proportion of a senior manager’s time that might be spent on each
responsibility, and identify some of the conflicts that may arise. Compare and
contrast different approaches taken to managing these dual responsibilities,
by means of at least three illustrative examples.
Provide an objective critique of the impact individual personalities can have on
the approach taken to management and leadership. You may use work based
examples and external examples to support your answer.
Guideline word count for this task: 600 – 650 words
2.1 – Evaluate the relationship between strategic management and
Task 2
Complete an analysis of the culture and values of your organisation or an
organisation of your choice, using a recognised management model. From
your conclusions, discuss the impact culture and values have on strategic
leadership in the organisation.
Guideline word count for this task: 250 – 300 words
1.1 – Analyse the impact of the organisation’s culture and values on
strategic leadership
Task 3
Identify the major legal, regulatory and ethical requirements to which your
organisation or an organisation of your choice is subject. Discuss how these
requirements impact on strategic leadership in the organisation.
Guideline word count for this task: 250 – 300 words
1.2 – Discuss how organisational specific, legal, regulatory and ethical
requirements impact on strategic leadership demands
Task 4
Looking at the external environment, identify current and emerging social
concerns and expectations. Determine and justify which are the most
significant to your organisation, or the organisation of your choice, and
evaluate the effect these are likely to have on strategic leadership, making
HE04/Issue 4/April 2019
your rationale very clear and showing both the positive and negative
connotations of the external forces identified.
Guideline word count for this task: 350 – 400 words
1.3 – Evaluate current and emerging social concerns and expectations
impacting on strategic leadership in the organisation
Task 5
Evaluate at least three different theories on leadership styles, explaining with
well supported argument what the benefits and drawbacks are to each of your
selected styles.
Use at least two practical examples, supported with independent research, to
discuss leadership styles being adapted in different situations, evaluating the
impact on the organisation, and on its strategic decisions, highlighting the
advantages and disadvantages of different leadership styles.
Guideline word count for this task: 850 – 900 words
2.2 – Evaluate leadership styles and their impact on strategic decisions
2.3 – Discuss why leadership styles need to be adapted in different
2.4 – Evaluate the impact of leadership styles on the organisation
Task 6
Describe what is meant by the term ‘leadership strategy’. Discuss two differing
leadership strategies and analyse their merits. Identify the type of internal or
external situations that might cause an organisation to re-evaluate and
change its leadership strategy.
Taking a practical example of a leadership strategy from your organisation or
an organisation of your choice, analyse how this strategy has supported
organisational direction.
Guideline word count for this task is 900-950.
3.1 – Evaluate two differing leadership strategies
3.2 – Determine situational variables which could cause a change in
leadership strategy
3.3 – Analyse a leadership strategy to support organisational direction