ME504: Advanced Networking: Master of Engineering (MENG)

Assignment 1 – Detailed design of a modern network for a multi-site resort
You are required to propose a detailed solution for the above discussed problem addressing all the challenges
and write a report about it.
There are three (3) areas to consider for advanced network design in this assignment.
1. Propose a detailed design/layout for a resort/hotel having multiple indoor and outdoor sites;
2. Design/Propose LAN (including Wireless LAN) and WAN services for the users
3. Research about LAN, wireless LAN and WAN technologies (Equipment, protocols and services)
4. Report must include:
Introduction (03 marks)
Site map/diagram (this need to be virtually assumed according to you own assumption/thinking)
(02 marks)
Scopes and Limitations (10 marks)
Solution/Design (15 marks)
a. Logical Design and physical Design
b. Network structure/topologies
Protocols, technologies and services (10 marks)
c. IP addressing
d. Security features, policies, redundancy
e. Provision of wired and wireless internet for staff and student
WAN and LAN Services design and analysis (05 marks)
Internet (05 marks)
Summary (05 marks)
References (05 marks)
Reference: [Adopted from the Source:
island-case-study.pdf, last accessed: 05/04/2019]
Marking criteria:
Example of marking criteria is shown in following table. Marks are allocated as follows, whist details marking
guide can be seen in the Moodle submission link:
Note: The marking criteria varies for each assignment
Section to be included
in the report
Detailed Description of the Criteria Marks
Introduction A brief introduction should be included (4-5 sentences) 3
Report Layout The document should include all necessary headings, texts,
figures, citations and sections to depict services and network
Structure (format) and contents quality will be used for
Scope Scope of the networking project should be clearly defined
with the help of appropriate description and tools (figures
and tables) need to be included to properly show the
margins and requirements.
ME504 Advanced Networking, T1 2019 Page 4 of total pages
Lasted Updated: April 20189
Design/Solutions This section should include proper headings and contents to
propose a solution for the proposed network.
Wireless LAN solution needs to be included.
LAN and WAN need to be shown with network topology.
Protocols and
Analyse and compare protocols, technologies and services
for LAN, WLAN and WAN.
LAN and WAN services
design and analysis
LAN/WAN services design and analysis including VPWS,
VPLS, VPRN, Ethernet (MEF) services
Internet Detailed design for the provision of wired and wireless
internet to staff and students
Summary A report Summary must be included at the end of the report 5
References Follow IEEE style for the references 5
Total 60