SWE5104: Advanced Database and Big Data

Learning Outcomes Assessed
LO3: Distinguish between and appraise NOSQL and OODBMS solutions to a given problem.
Fast Forwarding Ltd. is a global freight forwarding company based in the UK for over 50
years. The company offers worldwide freight service including land, sea and air from the
offices in Asia, Europe and North America. The company has over 100 logistic partners
through its own offices and agencies. They ship thousands of containers per annum
throughout the globe.
The company goal is to full-fill any size of the consignment to any country. Currently, Fast
Forwarding is using an in-house management system to support customer 24/7 throughout
the globe. The company also use multiple software components such as databases, track and
trace and payment systems, from third parties. As the business growing every year, the
company produces a high volume of data, which needs to be managed efficient manner. The
management has decided to improve the existing management system and build a modern
information management system to meet the future goal of the company. The proposed
system requires the following functionalities.
• To be adaptable to the growth of the company
• To have appropriate database systems to meet the expansion plan of the company
• To have modern database systems that are scalable and capable of storing various
types of data
• To visualise the system performance
• To have the solution to handle various types of databases systems
• Customer must be able to track and trace their consignments
Project Task: Create and compare databases (LO3) (25% of overall Mark)
Company is currently using RDBMS to perform their daily tasks that include accounting,
tracking, storing freight data, customer information etc. However, with the rapid growth of
the company operations globally, data is coming in various formats, shapes and speed, which
may require to deploy different types of database systems like NoSQL and OODBMS. The
company needs you to create prototype database models in RDBMS, NoSQL and OODBMS.
You are asked to create a SQL and NoSQL database
- ERD and SQL script for MySQL with some dummy data (at least 10 rows)
- Create relevant NoSQL database (e.g., MongoDB) using your ERD and MySQL data
- Create an object diagram for the same ERD
The prototype ERD should be constructed using the following entities. You may add extra
entity if you require for the solution however, you must justify your choice.
• Customers
• Orders
• Packages
• Locations
• Routes
• Transports/transport options/transport media
• Schedule
• Containers
• Container route
Write a report of 2500 words (including diagrams and tables) to inform the company
management that analysis and distinguishes between RDBMS, NoSQL and OODBMS. The
report should reflect your experience to find a solution to the company’s current systems
and future solution. You need to research relevant database systems to recommend an
appropriate solution to the Fast Forwarding along with the experience of building this
prototype system.
The report must be in either MS Word or PDF format in a single document. The report should
contain all the diagrams with a brief explanation or justification. The SQL script and NoSQL
documents should be added to the end of the report as appendices (should not include in the
word count).
You must submit your assignment through the appropriate Moodle Turnitin link by 23:55 on
18 December 2020.