System Analysis and Design

2 marks
- Enlist any 2 common errors that are made while drawing data flow diagrams.
- What is the purpose of system testing?
- Give one example each for strategic, tactical, and operational decisions.
- Differentiate between static and dynamic system models.
- Define module coupling.
10 mark
- What do you understand by system testing? Explain different types of testing.
- Enlist and explain considerations for the input design.
- Discuss the design methodologies used in system design.
- What is the drawback of DFD? Draw a DFD for the university admission system.
- Explain how management information system helps senior managers in decision making with an example.
- Illustrate the concept of logical and physical design with a suitable example.
20 marks
- (a) Briefly explain how cost-benefit analysis is carried out during a feasibility study.
(b) Briefly explain the prototyping SDLC model with the help of the labeled process model. For which types of development projects is the prototyping model suitable?
- (a) Briefly explain the important components of an MIS. How are these components designed?
(b) differentiate among unit, integration, and system testing.