Web and Social Media Analytics

Coursework: Social Media Assignment
Coursework administration
Assessment weighting: 50% of total module weighting
Coursework submission: Electronic submission via Blackboard
Read carefully the instructions at the end of
this coursework.
Type of feedback: Students will receive feedback in the form of
written comments about their submission
All marks will remain provisional until
formally agreed by an Assessment Board.
Assessment type: Individual
Word limit: 5000 words maximum (not including
Learning Objectives addressed by this coursework
LO4 Construct and critique a semantic model of a social media conversation
for the purpose of deducing user opinion, collecting feedback and using it to
inform product and or marketing decisions.
LO5 Produce a report that comprehensively evaluates an
individual’s/organisation’s current social media position.
7BUIS025W Coursework 1 – Social Media Assignment Module
During the lectures and tutorials, we have discussed the role of social media
and some of the techniques and tools both individuals and organizations can
use to analyse and interpret social media data. The aim of this coursework is
therefore to assess your ability to collect social media data, prepare social
media data for analysis and use relevant tools and techniques to extract useful
The coursework consists of a series of 7 questions based around a common
topic. You are required to provide answers to ALL questions and this
coursework must be completed INDIVIDUALLY. The number of marks
available for each question is provided in the right-hand margin. The total
number of marks available is 100. This assessment carries 50% of the total
marks for this module.
You are required to submit your answers to this coursework via Blackboard on
or before 10am on Monday 20th of May 2019. Your submission should be in
either PDF of Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) format. The word limit for this
coursework is 5000 words (not including graphs, tables and figures)
The first page of your submission should consist of a front cover, including:
your name, student ID, the module code, title of this module and a word count.
Otherwise, your name and student ID should not appear anywhere else on
your submission.